Over 7,000 residents supported by Walsall Connected since its 2022 launch
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The success of an initiative to help residents gain digital skills and access council services online has been highlighted in a recent annual report.
The success of an initiative to help residents gain digital skills and access council services online has been highlighted in its 2022/23 annual report.
Walsall Connected is a community-focused initiative providing face-to-face digital support to residents.
Launched by Walsall Council in July 2022, Walsall Connected has grown from two centres to a network of 29 operational centres incorporating council-owned libraries, community partnerships and other partner organisations across the borough.
“ We are committed to ensuring easy access to our services and this report demonstrates the great work that our Walsall Connected centres have delivered over the last year.
Since its launch, the initiative has had a significant impact and delivered invaluable support to over 7,000 residents through face-to-face interactions with our trained staff. Impressively, 87% received successful assistance during their initial contact and I’m delighted that the Walsall Connected centres have received 100% approval from residents who were happy to recommend this service to friends and family.
I look forward to watching Walsall Connected go from strength to strength. Its delivery has been a key example of partnership working coming together to help reach those people most in need. “
Walsall Connected has a dedicated team of 163 professionals working across the 29 Walsall Connected centres. Addressing a diverse range of queries, the centres have proved to be a useful resource for residents, handling everything from council tax enquiries to providing adult social care and Blue Badge information.
Alongside its key partners, Walsall Connected is continuing its work to bridge the digital gap through an innovative digital device scheme called the Connected Services Programme. Thanks to secured funding from the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA), digital devices and online access have been provided to eligible residents across the borough as well as schools. Parents without access to digital platforms previously, will have access to digital devices, allowing them to help support their child's development.
Part of the funding from the Connected Services Programme will also be used in the coming months to provide basic IT courses at eight Walsall Connected locations. Dates and locations will be finalised shortly.
The 2022/23 annual report can be found here https://go.walsall.gov.uk/people-and-communities/walsall-connected-get-help-get-online