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Children's services

Find out more about volunteering at Walsall’s Family Hubs

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To mark Volunteers’ Week, 3-9 June [2024], the council’s Family Hubs are opening their doors and inviting members of the community to visit, meet some of the Hubs’ Early Help volunteers and learn about how volunteers support families in the borough.

Early Help and Family Hub volunteers
Early Help and Family Hub volunteers

The council launched its four locality Hubs in July 2023, all of which offer a welcoming space where families can access advice and universal support from a range of services, all under one roof.

The Hubs have been set up to support families with children aged 0-19, or 0-24 for those children with special educational needs and disabilities.

Practitioners include family support practitioners, health visitors, school nurses, early help police officers, domestic abuse support practitioners, mental health support and substance misuse support.

The Hubs will be hosting meet and greet events at each of the four Hubs during the Volunteers’ Week, where people can find out more information about the Hubs and volunteering.  

Refreshments will be available at each of the sessions, plus craft activities and creche facilities.

Meet and greet session dates, times, and locations:

Monday 3 June West Locality Family Hub – Ilmington House, Crescent Road, Wednesbury, WS10 8AE 11am – 2pm

Tuesday 4 June Central and South Locality Family Hub – Birchills Street, Walsall, WS2 8NG 4pm-6pm

Wednesday 5 June North Locality Family Hub – Blakenall Heath, Walsall, WS3 1HJ 1.30pm - 3.30pm

Thursday 6 June East Brownhills Community Association – Pelsall Road, Brownhills, Walsall, WS8 7JS 1pm-3pm

“ We simply could not do the work we do without the help and dedication from our Family Hub and Early Help volunteers.

This group of people give up their own personal time to support families in the borough, helping them to live full and positive lives, and access any support they may need.

We’re always on the lookout for more volunteers to help local families, and help spread awareness of some of the support services available to local people.

If you can make it to one of the Hub events, then I highly recommend coming along, meeting some new people, and hearing from our volunteers about their role and the impacts they have upon local communities. “

Councillor Stacie Elson, Portfolio Holder for Children's Services
Walsall Council

More information about becoming an Early Help volunteer is available on the council's website


Further information

Family Hubs

Family Hubs are part of Walsall’s Children and Young People Strategic Alliance focusing on ‘The best start for life: a vision for the 1,001 critical days.’

Teams are co-located in four locality hubs across the borough, connecting practitioners with each other, with community resources and the families they work with to enable easier access to integrated services giving the right help at the right time.  Practitioners include Social Workers, Family Support Practitioners, Health Visitors, School Nurses, Early Help Police Officers, Domestic Abuse Support Practitioners, mental health support and substance misuse support.

You can visit the Family Hub website at

Walsall Families in the Know on Facebook is also used to promote the Family Hub offer and activities

Early Help

Walsall Early Help partnership supports children, young people and their families when they need extra help with a whole range of individual, social, health and education concerns.

Support is provided to the ‘whole family’ to ensure the right help at the right time is available to those who need it. You can find more information about Early Help in Walsall at​​​​​​​

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