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Early Help volunteers

We have a volunteering scheme and opportunities for parents, carers, children and young people to join Early Help forums. This helps us to shape the future of our service together. We strongly believe and advocate the power of co-production and encourage you to get involved.

Email us for more information about volunteering.

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Make a professional referral for volunteer support

Who we can support

We can only support with CYP and families that are open to multi-agency level 3 (so have an Early Help assessment or step down plan). We can support a step down to single agency from level 3 where applicable.

We can only offer volunteer support to individual CYP and families when they've given their consent.

Families have to be part of identifying the right volunteer for them. Please make sure the CYP and their families see the ‘Volunteer Profile Booklet for Children and Young People, Parents and Carers’.


The list of volunteers is not exhaustive. We might not be able to fill your request, or it might take some time to find a volunteer who can meet the needs of a CYP and their family.

Please remember volunteers freely give their time. They often have other commitments and are not able to offer intensive or long term support to families.

All volunteers have been approved to work with CYP and families and receive ongoing training and support.

How to refer

Email us to request a volunteer request form. Complete the form, and send it back to us by email.

We'll then contact you to take part in a meeting with the volunteer and the volunteer manager to discuss and agree what happens next.

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