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Detailed report outlines full scale of Walsall’s transformation

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Walsall is in the middle of a £1.5billion transformation, and a recent report outlines the full scope of the projects to be delivered.

plan drawing of housing

Walsall is in the middle of a £1.5billion transformation. Walsall Council officers have worked hard to secure considerable investment and funding, driving a major transformation of the borough through a series of projects and partnerships.

Significant work is already underway to progress the transformation and a summary of the scope of the work has been submitted to the Council’s Economy and Environment scrutiny committee this week.

The report details projects that are underway, and those that are planned for the future, in Walsall Town Centre, Bloxwich and Willenhall as well as work currently underway to improve M6 junction 10.

“ There is a huge amount of work in the pipeline that will transform Walsall borough, delivering interventions to improve active travel and connectivity, building affordable housing and creating spaces for business.

The projects set out in the report give a detailed overview of what people can expect the Council and its partners to deliver over the coming years. Walsall’s transformation will create lots of opportunities for local people and businesses to grow and thrive and I hope people can see from the report that there is lots to be excited about. “

Councillor Adrian Andrew, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Regeneration
Walsall Council

Walsall Council has successfully been awarded a Towns Fund allocation of over £40million, split equally between Walsall Town Centre and Bloxwich.

The Walsall Town Centre Masterplan, which was supported by Cabinet in 2019, provides an inspirational and deliverable vision for a sustainable and resilient town centre. The aim is to create an attractive environment that entices visitors and offers easy navigation, healthy streets and significant public spaces, events and activities.

The Bloxwich Town Deal programme offers a similarly ambitious vision for Bloxwich, with a focus on improving connectivity and active travel, and providing opportunities for skills and business. The Towns Fund allocation of over £20million will help to make Bloxwich safer and healthier with lots of opportunities for residents to gain skills or start their own businesses.

In February 2021 the Willenhall Framework Plan was approved by Cabinet and provides a guide for developing Willenhall over a 10-year period. Interventions in Willenhall focus mainly on delivering housing and improving travel and connectivity.

A number of brownfield sites have been identified by the Council as opportunities for strategic employment land. Working with delivery partners, the Council aims to turn disused, brownfield sites into high quality employment sites to drive economic growth and job creation. Sites such as SPARK, formerly Phoenix 10, will deliver 620,000sqft of new employment floorspace.

Walsall’s transformation is part of a long-term vision for the borough, driven by Walsall Council and its network of partners. Projects have been planned based on identified needs and consultation with the public and local businesses to ensure that the Council is delivering a vision that meets local needs, putting local people and businesses first.


Transforming our borough. Creating opportunities:

  • 1.5 billion pounds of investment
  • 4000 new jobs
  • More than 1000 new homes

Walsall is a Borough undergoing real transformation, creating a wealth of opportunity. There is a shared ambition to deliver well connected, attractive places where people are proud to live and work and where businesses want to locate; where there is a strong mix of housing for all our residents, where our communities are well served, and all of our residents have the best life chances.

More information: Regeneration and investment | Walsall Council

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