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Construction starts on Willenhall Greenway

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Construction has started this week to develop Willenhall Greenway, the first phase of the wider Movement and Regeneration works for Willenhall Garden City, Levelling Up Fund Round 2.

Areal shot of Willenhall

The Greenway is a 3km utility and leisure route for both pedestrians and cyclists, running east-west from Willenhall Memorial Park, through Moat Street / Villiers Street connecting with green space, residential and employment areas.

Walking and cycling are good for our physical and mental health. The Greenway will improve connectivity in Willenhall and the wider Walsall area, giving residents more opportunities to enjoy the outdoors whether for leisure or commuting purposes.

A number of housing developments are planned for the area as part of the wider Regeneration works, and the street network within the vicinity of new housing areas will be redesigned to make the area safer for pedestrians and cyclists.

“ this is a really exciting time for Willenhall. Willenhall’s distinct heritage and mixed land uses presents opportunities to boost housing, and to create a more vibrant, healthy, and prosperous community “

Councillor Adrian Andrew, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Regeneration
Walsall Council

The Willenhall greenway programme forms part of the Willenhall Framework Plan, a 10 year vision and delivery strategy for future housing growth and development. The Framework Plan was supported by Walsall Council’s Cabinet in February 2022 and secured funding in round 2 of the Government’s Levelling Up fund.

More information about the Willenhall Framework plan can be found on our website




Notes to editors

Walsall is a Borough undergoing real transformation, creating a wealth of opportunity. There is a shared ambition to deliver well connected, attractive places where people are proud to live and work and where businesses want to locate; where there is a strong mix of housing for all our residents, where our communities are well served and all of our residents have the best life chances.

To fulfil this potential, more than £500 million of investment has been attracted and schemes are either under construction right now or have planning consent confirmed.


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