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Ambitious strategy for the future of Walsall approved by Cabinet

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The final strategy for We are Walsall 2040 was approved by Cabinet on 21 June 2023, providing an ambitious collective vision for the borough by 2040.

Green fields with tall buildings in the background against a blue sky

The strategy provides a strategic framework for Walsall Council and its partners to prioritise resources and shared ambitions for a Walsall that works for everyone.

Walsall Council has a strong foundation of partnership working, collaboration and a determination to get things done. The We are Walsall 2040 strategy is a partnership effort that takes on board the things that matter to the people of Walsall and their dreams for the future.

Over 8000 people shared their views in what was the largest public consultation programme ever held in Walsall. Community groups, businesses, students and Councillors - those who live, work, study and visit the towns across the borough, took part and helped shape the strategy. This was followed by a survey which gave people the chance to have their say on the draft strategy.

The survey showed that the majority of people agreed with the strategy, with priorities being safety, cleanliness and investment.

“ I am pleased that the final strategy has been approved and I’m confident that the framework will help our partnership to deliver our ambitions. Walsall in 2040 will be a place where people are proud to live and work and this will be achieved by residents and businesses working together with public services to create a thriving borough of opportunity. Now the strategy is agreed, the hard work starts in order to make this happen “

Councillor Garry Perry, Portfolio Holder for Resilient Communities
Walsall Council

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