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There were many reasons why Asians decided to migrate to England. The people came for econmic reasons, for further education, due to  peer pressure and in response to job adverts asking people to come  and work in England.

Q. So what were your reasons for migrating?

“ I think it's what you can say you know blind following blind you know I never thought I am going to England no never you know prepared my self you know even on the last day I was sitting am I going oh it's you know when people start to go then other follow and they say oh everybody is going you know lets go and try you know sort of adventure not plan like English people planned they want to go Australia you know they want to find all the information before they go but we just you know I think we were what happened you know when nineteen sixty two first immigration act was passed they said no more people can come only people with you know special vouchers they can come so they were then issuing voucher to the teachers, nurses, doctors and could be certain other categories I am not too sure about so I applied for a voucher at that time you know all the teacher were coming you know as from each group seven eight you know resigned and coming here and and more over you young I was then perceptionally don't think don't plan perhaps so I came here just adventure. I would say just adventure never thought about you know economics side financial side any side at all. “

Kishan Singh Parmar

Q. And what were your reasons for migrating to Britain?

“ When I got married, my husband said, ‘I would like to go abroad for further education,’ and I was teaching already there and I said I’ll join you and I’ll help you, so we were still both on leave, really from our jobs, so but when we came here, I got pregnant in no time at all so things started to develop from there. We never went back. “

Surinderpal Syal

The full transcriptions are available from Walsall Archives.


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