How to get support if you're blind or partially sighted
If you're blind or partially sighted, we can help you get support. Before we can help, you'll need to register with the Walsall Society for the Blind.
After you've registered, we can assess you. We'll work out what your needs are and if you should have any specialist equipment.
Rehabilitation and managing household tasks
Our Rehabilitation Service offers support and training to blind or partially sighted people.
We can help you with:
- food preparation
- laundry
- cleaning
- taking medication
Getting around safely
We will provide training in how to use:
- a sighted guide
- safe road crossings
- mobility aids
- public transport
Communication and access to information
We have specialist equipment to help with handwriting and reading print. We may also provide training in:
- signature guides
- writing frames
- touch typing
- use of large print or audiotapes
- task lighting
- reading by Braille or Moon
- other low vision aids
Services for children
We also provide training and/or equipment for visually impaired children. You can contact us for more information.