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Training and career development

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Your foster carer Annual Review will highlight any areas of development on your Personal Development Plan. In addition to the Skills to Foster training course we offer extensive training and opportunities to all foster carers. Training can be delivered online or in person.

Through our Workforce Training Team we can offer over 3000 mandatory and specialist courses online. Topics for the courses include:

  • Equality and diversity
  • Safeguarding children (foundation and advanced)
  • Reporting and recording
  • Moving forward with delegated authority
  • Mediation foundation

We offer a seven week Foundations for Attachment course, with a Nurturing Attachments programme planned for 2025.

Training, Support and Development Standards (TSDs)

Following approval as a foster carer you need to demonstrate that you meet the necessary TSD standards within 12 months (18 months for connected foster carers). Your supervising social worker can support you with collecting the evidence you need to help you complete the TSD workbook.

Find out more about the Training, Support and Development Standards and how to complete the workbook.

Career development

Moving from 'generic' to 'advanced' carer

You can become an advanced foster carer through training and gaining more experience as a foster carer. You will need to evidence that you meet criteria to become an advanced carer. Your evidence is presented to a progression panel who will make a decision.  If you meet the criteria you will become an advanced foster carer. You will then receive the advanced foster carer level of fee payments. Ask your supervising social worker about the criteria for becoming an advanced carer.

Mockingbird hub carer

Mockingbird hub carers are experienced foster carers who have a wide range of skills and knowledge. If you are thinking about becoming a hub carer, we would encourage you to first be part of a Mockingbird constellation. You can experience what it's like to be part of this innovative way of fostering. You'll learn how the Mockingbird model of foster care works and the role of the hub carer at the centre of it.

Find out more

Contact us using the buttons below to ask more questions, find out how to apply or to enquire about transferring to foster with Walsall.