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Town Deal information event - Bloxwich

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Admission: For more information or to book your attendance at the event, e-mail

Four cartoon people with logos of Walsall Council, Midlands Engine and HM Government

Supporting the community and voluntary sector in Bloxwich and Walsall

Venue: BCP Stan Ball Centre, Abbots Street, Bloxwich

The Community Capital Programme aims to provide grants to community and voluntary sector organisations in order to deliver capital improvements to premises in the Bloxwich and Walsall Town Deal areas.

Grants are available to eligible organisations to refurbish and upgrade buildings, to provide enhanced learning and support environments and to provide individuals with skills needed for work activity.

To see whether your organisation is eligible, view the Towns Fund boundary maps.

If you would like to know more about the Community Capital Programme, you are welcome to attend one of our stakeholder events.

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