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Supports children and young people impacted by special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) – as well as their parents or carers – with impartial, free to access, confidential and easily accessible information to help make informed decisions about their options.
Raise awareness of the options available to those using our service, as well as supporting people to make informed decisions about these options.
The Information, advice and support provided for children and young people with SEND and their parents/carers is impartial, free to access, accurate, confidential, comprehensive and easy to understand.

Family outcomes
Support type
Support is targeted at
The service provides advice and support to children and young people aged under 25 via a range of mediums including, telephone support, email, website, social media and face to face contact, both at our office and at community outreach hubs. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us
Age range
0-4 years
5-11 years
11-16 years
16-18 years
Young people
Referral type
Self referral
Cost to resident


Phone number
01922 612008