The Glebe Centre
The Glebe Centre is a multifunctional hub from where a variety of services are delivered that serve vulnerable adults in Walsall. Our skilled and friendly staff and volunteers work with a variety of individuals with differing needs. Support workers are available to provide advice and information on health issues, training, employment and substance misuse issues and offer general support and advice on a one to one basis. We also deliver a needle exchange facility a needle pick up service and a condom service for sex workers. We offer a range of services and house a skilled worker who specialises in homelessness and accommodation with the aim of ensuring that all service users who require it have access to housing advice and support. We have a laundry and free male and female showers so that service users have access to cleaning facilities and a clothing room so that our clients can gain access to a clean change of clothes. We supply a free breakfast between 10am and 10:30am and also provide a hot course lunch for 50p between 12 – 1pm.