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Tell us if a tenant is moving into or out of your property

If there’s a change to the tenancy of a property you own or manage, you’ll need to let us know. This includes tenants moving in or out, or the property becoming empty.

You can tell us up to 14 days before the change, or as soon as possible afterwards.

You can report the change if you’re:

  • the landlord who owns the property
  • the letting agent who manages the property (you’ll need to include the details of the owner)

If you’re unable to use the portal, you can:

Tenants who have already left (retrospective tenancies)

If you’re telling us about tenants who have already left, we’ll need evidence to be able to update our records.

Acceptable evidence includes:

  • tenancy agreement (you should provide the full agreement which has been signed and dated by landlord and tenant)
  • proof of rent paid (receipts or bank statements that show a regular amount deposited into the owner/landlord’s bank account by the named tenant. We cannot accept evidence if it’s not possible to identify the person making the payment)
  • rent book in the name of the tenant (this should show the amount paid and payment dates. If possible, including a signature or initials from the landlord and tenant indicating payments were made and accepted)
  • the previous and forwarding address of the tenant
  • the tenant’s phone number, email address, employer’s contact details
  • copies of ID that were taken when the tenancy started
  • signed and dated correspondence between the landlord and tenant
  • guarantor details, including any signed paperwork with the details
  • proof that the rental income was declared to HMRC
  • any other evidence that will confirm that the property was tenanted for the period in question and the identity of the tenant

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