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Data protection - how to make a complaint

Under the Data Protection Act (1998), organisations that collect and use personal information have to follow rules of good practice for handling such data. The Act also gives rights to individuals whose information they keep. These rights include the right to complain should you believe your personal data has been processed inappropriately.

What you can complain about

You can complain to us if you have been denied any of your rights under the Data Protection Act. This includes your right to see the information an organisation holds about you, or if the information about you is used, held or disclosed:

  • unfairly
  • for a reason that is not the one it was collected for
  • without proper security

Or, if the information about you is:

  • inadequate, irrelevant or excessive
  • inaccurate or out of date
  • kept for longer than is necessary

You can also complain if you feel we have not provided you with all relevant information as part of a subject access request.

How to make a complaint about data protection

Make it clear that the matter concerns data protection and provide as much detail as you can. Tell us your name and how to contact you.

You can:

What happens next

Your complaint will be treated confidentially and we will acknowledge receipt within 5 working days. We will do a full investigation let you know the decision within a further 15 working days (or, in exceptional circumstances, within a further 35 working days).

If we are unable to deal with your complaint within this time we will inform you and let you know the reason for the delay. If it's upheld, we'll tell you what action we will take. If it is not upheld, we'll give you a reason for this decision.

If you are not happy with our response

If you are not satisfied with the our response, you may wish to refer it to the Information Commissioner.

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