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Children in Care Council and Care Leavers Forum

Walsall Children In Care Council (CICC)

The Walsall CICC is a unique group for care experienced young people aged 15 and under. We meet every other week and discuss things which are important to us to help improve the services which we use that are there to support us.

As a member of our CICC group you will get to meet and speak to other young people with care experience, have your voice heard and acted on and help towards improving things for other young people. We sometimes have guest speakers and can also invite other professionals to tell us more about our rights.

The group is supported by the children’s champion David Hughes and the care leaver ambassador Sophia Begum who try and make it fun and engaging. When we meet up we get to eat some nice food and take part in games and competitions where we can win prizes.

The things that matter to children in care are important and it is our responsibility as Corporate Parents to encourage you to express your views freely and have them taken into account in all matters affecting you.


Walsall Care Leaver Group

Leaving care can be a difficult and challenging time, so we would like to get you involved by inviting you to our group. If you are 16+ then you can come along to one of our Care Leavers monthly get-togethers. We can discuss all things relating to our support needs and connect with other care leavers.

This group provides a unique opportunity for care leavers from Walsall to socialise, get to know each other and help change and improve services offered to young people.

The group is supported by the children’s champion David Hughes and the care leaver ambassador Sophia Begum. When we meet up we usually eat some nice food together or take part in an activity.

For more information on care leavers you can read more in our Local Offer which is a document that explains your rights and our responsibilities.


Contact information

Before contacting us, please check to see if we can answer your question from our online information.


David Hughes (Children's Champion)

Sophia Begum (Care Leavers Ambassador)


David Hughes (Children's Champion)

07787 282682

Sophia Begum (Care Leavers Ambassador)


Connect to a BSL interpreter

Available on demand Monday to Friday between 9am and 4:30pm

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