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Support and advocacy

Independent visitor

An independent visitor is an adult volunteer who gives up some of their free time to meet you once a month to do an activity together.

You are entitled to an independent visitor if you are:

  • a child or young person in foster care or a children's home
  • aged between 8 and 17.5 years old

You'll be matched with a volunteer who has similar interests to you.

Find out more about the Independent Visitor Service.


The Children's Society Black Country Advocacy Service is an independent, confidential service in Dudley, Sandwell, Wolverhampton and Walsall.

It's for children and young people who are in care, leaving care, or who have a social worker.

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An advocate is a person who can help you say if you don’t like something or if you don’t agree with a decision that affects your life.

Advocates are independent and confidential – they don’t work for the council or children’s services and they will not tell anyone what you say to them without your agreement (unless there is something that might cause harm to you or someone else.)

When you are looked after or in the care of children’s services, remember you have the right to:

  • have a say in decisions that affect your life
  • be listened to and taken seriously
  • use an advocate to help look after your rights
  • not be hurt or abused
  • be treated fairly, whatever your race, religion, sexuality, gender, language or disability
  • have your health looked after
  • get the most out of your school or college

Find out more about advocacy and getting an advocate from:

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