Regenerating Walsall town centre

Walsall town centre masterplan
A framework for physical change in Walsall town centre

Connected gateway project
Delivering improvements in Walsall Borough

Active public spaces scheme
Working in partnership with the Canal River Trust
The Walsall Town Centre Masterplan has provided a creative and bold re-imagining of the type of place that Walsall town centre could become.
Government investment and support from a range of influential partners is allowing us to begin to make that vision a reality.
We will be harnessing the imagination and creativity of Walsall people to transform our historic market town centre into a peaceful and prosperous place that:
- empowers its wider residents
- encourages enterprise
- welcomes visitors to share in a creative and sustainable future
We've been awarded £23.5m from the government's Town Deal Fund and £750k of Accelerated Funds. This has allowed us to begin work on improving the built environment, as well as providing additional reassurance in the form of enhanced CCTV.