Walsall Economic Board
Established in 2012, Walsall Economic Board (WEB) is an important way of ensuring that our local businesses can have their voice heard in the strategic decisions that might affect them.
We recognise that while the public sector can help create the conditions for economic prosperity, it is the private sector that plays the major role in creating local employment opportunities.
Who we are
WEB comprises members and a Chair drawn from across our diverse business community. They are joined by Walsall Council’s portfolio holder for regeneration, along with representatives from our education providers, public sector partners and voluntary community.

Our priorities
Walsall’s overall strategic economic vision is set out in our Strategic Economic Plan and Economic Framework. This covers what Walsall Council and its partners are seeking to achieve under the interrelated themes of People, Place and Business.
In line with this, WEB has committed to focusing its activities on two main priorities:
- supporting the creation of local jobs
- supporting local people to access those jobs

How we work
WEB itself meets every 6-8 weeks. The board’s work is carried out through sub-groups that focus on specific topics. These working groups are chaired by a WEB member but draw in additional partnership and officer support to take actions forward.
Employment and Skills Board (ESB)
Brings employers together with training and education providers, to focus on the skills that are needed by the current and future workforce of Walsall.
Health and Economic Board (HEB)
Includes members of both WEB and the Health and Wellbeing Board, to develop healthy workplace initiatives that benefit employers and their employees, as well as programmes to reduce.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Comprising stakeholders from across business, public and voluntary sectors, its activities seek to maximise the benefits that can be gained from businesses ‘giving back’ to the people and communities of Walsall.
How to get involved
There is an open call for membership, with applications welcomed from any business operating in Walsall – whether you employ 10 people or 1,000. Prospective applicants will be asked to outline their business’s commitment to Walsall as well as the personal skills and experience they can bring to the role.
All applications are subject to approval by WEB. As well as the information provided on the application form, they will consider the current balance of business types/employment sectors represented on the board to ensure it continues to reflect the borough.
If you are interested in applying to join WEB or one of the sub-groups, please contact us.
Contact information
Before contacting us, please check to see if we can answer your question from our online information.
Write to us:
Civic Centre, Darwall Street, Walsall WS1 1TP
Connect to a BSL interpreter
Available on demand Monday to Friday between 9am and 4:30pm