
This is a new service - your feedback will help us to improve it.

Using our data

Using the data published on this site is governed by the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike licence.

Anyone can download and use the data. You are free to use this data in a wide variety of applications and we licence use in accordance with the same licence as the Government’s own data repository Find out more about the terms and conditions related to data use.

Releasing open data is important to local and national government because:

  • it can help transparency
  • it can help accountability
  • it can help secure value for money and savings.

This is supported by Government. Former Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Eric Pickles, asked local government to publish all council spending over £500 as part of a spending transparency project.

Discover more information about the Government's transparency agenda

Take a look at the UK government data repository.

Redacted information

'Redacted ' means that a piece of information has been removed from publication. This can be for a number of reasons set out by Government. This could be because the information is personal data and could identify an individual, such as a foster carer, a location of a women’s refuge, a council tax benefit recipient or could be information that is commercially confidential.

Publishing open data freedom of information (FOI) requests

In the spirit of openness, we are looking to make public answers that arise from open data. This will help reduce the need for FOI.

Data published by Walsall Council

We are looking to expand the amount of data available in an open data format and we are looking to update regularly.

If you have a query on a line of data, you can contact us by email.  

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