Our datasets are available as PDFs and Excel/CSV files.
The CSV format uses a standard column width and not all entries may be completely visible. To view all the data, you will need to expand the columns. You can do this in Microsoft Excel by choosing the sheet (the grey box beside column A and above row 1), and then selecting Format > Column > AutoFitSelection.
The transparency code specifies that councils must publish the following items of information:
- total number of (absolute and full-time equivalent) of staff who are union representatives
- total number of union representatives who devote at least 50% of their time on union duties
- names of all trade unions represented in the local authority (LA)
- basic estimate of spending on unions (calculated as the number of full time equivalent days spent on union duties by LA staff who spend the majority of their time on union duties, multiplied by the average salary)
- basic estimate of spending on unions as a percentage of the total pay bill (calculated as the number of full time equivalent days spent on union duties by LA staff who spent the majority of their time on union duties, multiplied by the average salary divided by the total paybill)
View the trade union facilities time files (annual publication).
The transparency code mandates that local authorities publish information about senior salaries. The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (Statutory Instrument 2015/234) already require local authorities to publish the following information about staff whose annual remuneration is at least £50,000:
- the number of employees whose remuneration in that year was at least £50,000 in brackets of £5,000
- details of remuneration and job title of certain senior employees whose salary is at least £50,000
- employees whose salaries are £150,000 or more must be identified by name
The 2014 transparency code additionally requires councils to publish:
- a list of responsibilities of all senior employees whose annual salary was at least £50,000
- details of bonuses and 'benefits in kind' of all senior employees whose annual salary was at least £50,000
Senior salary data
This contains the following information:
- Directorate (organisational unit)
- Job title
- Name (where applicable)
- Salary band
- Expense allowances, benefits in kind, pension contributions
- Staff responsibilities (employee count)
- Budget responsibilities (revenue and capital)
Senior salary count (annual publication)
The transparency code also requires the publication of the number of employees per remuneration band over £50,000, this is published alongside the senior salary data.
View the senior salary data and senior salary count (annual publication).
The transparency code states that local authorities must publish their pay multiple on their website.
Pay multiple is defined as the ratio between the highest paid taxable earnings for the given year and the median earnings figure for the whole of the authority's workforce.
View the pay multiple data.
The attached details existing waste collection contracts. This is a one-off requirement relating to present contracts, since future contracts will be covered under the contracts register provision of the code.
View the waste collection contracts files.
Quarterly data detailing all transactions paid by government procurement card. Government procurement cards are a form of business card (similar to a credit card) that allows public sector and charitable organisations to purchase high volume, lower value goods and services. Publication of these lists forms part of the council's commitment to be open and transparent with its residents about expenditure.
View the government procurement card transactions data.
The attached dataset provides details about all land and building assets including:
- all service and office properties occupied or controlled by user bodies, both freehold and leasehold
- any properties occupied or run under private finance initiative contracts
- all other properties the council owns or uses, for example, hostels, laboratories, investment properties and depots
- garages unless rented as part of a housing tenancy agreement
- surplus, sublet or vacant properties
- undeveloped land
- serviced or temporary offices where contractual or actual occupation exceeds three months
View the local authority land files.
The following files list the total payments to suppliers. Publication of these lists forms part of the council's commitment to be open and transparent with its residents about our expenditure and is provided on a monthly basis, where possible by the end of the following month to which the information relates. The data requires review and processing for publication including redaction of any third party confidential information.
January 2025
January 2025 spending transparency (csv)Download CSV (2.64 MB)
January 2025 spending transparency (xlsx)Download XLSX (675.04 KB)
Previous calendar year information
- Spending transparency - 2024
- Spending transparency - 2023
- Spending transparency - 2022
- Spending transparency - 2021
- Spending transparency - 2020
- Spending transparency - 2019
- Spending transparency - 2018
- Spending transparency - 2017
- Spending transparency - 2016
- Spending transparency - 2015
- Spending transparency - 2014
- Spending transparency - 2013
- Spending transparency - 2012
- Spending transparency - 2011
Councils are required to make their constitution available for inspection, as well as publishing it to the council website.
Businesses and the general public can use the following links to find opportunities to supply goods and services in Walsall:
- Walsall Council’s e-procurement portal (In-tend)
- The council publish a contract register which contains details of contracts that have been awarded, including the supplier name, contract value and brief contract description. View the contract register.
- The council also publish contract award notices for contracts above the EU threshold in the Official Journal European Union (OJEU).
- From 26 February 2015, for contracts above £25,000 contract award notices would also be published via the cabinet office contracts finder.
- In accordance with Walsall Council’s data retention policy, unsuccessful tenders are destroyed after 12 months and the council are therefore unable to supply the details of unsuccessful companies for the period in question. Where contracts have a value of above £500,000 the details of proposed successful and unsuccessful companies may be found in published cabinet reports.
- Each purchase order that the council raises is a form of contract available above.
View the non-domestic rating assessment (NNDR) files.
View the employee analysis and salary data files.
The datasets include:
- a count of unique employees within each directorate and a count of unique employees within Walsall Council
- a count of occupied positions by type
- senior salary information including top three levels of the organisation chart
These accounts are published as part of Local Government Transparency Code 2015, Section 55 - Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.
View parking accounts data.
This data is freely re-usable under the same terms and conditions used by GOV.UK.