Mayoral insignia

Mayoral maces
The existing maces, which are those obtained under Charles I's charter, are of silver parcel-gilt, and 21 inches in length. They form a pair, and are exactly alike in every respect.
Each consists of two parts:
- a slender shaft with globular foot-knop, divided into three sections by beaded bands
- a hemispherical mace-head, encircled by a regal coronet of crosses and fleurs-de-lis
The heads are divided by beaded straps into four panels with the usual royal badges. On the flat tops, within an engraved laurel wreath, are the royal arms, *etc., of the Stuart sovereigns, between the initials C.R., both crowned, and Vive le Roy above and the date "1660" below.
On the flat button on the lower end of one mace is engraved a ragged staff with an obliterated inscription round it. On the under sides of the mace-heads are the London hall-marks for 1627-8, and for the maker F in a shield; the royal arms on top must, therefore, have replaced in 1660 the "State's Arms", put on under the Commonwealth in place of the royal arms of Charles I.

Mayoral chain
The Mayor's gold chain or collar of office consists of square links bearing shields ensigned by civic coronets, coupled by plain round rings. The shields bear the names and dates of successive mayors.
The central link is flanked by models of the maces, and is of larger size than the other links. It bears the name of the mayor in 1875, when the chain was acquired.
The badge which is suspended by a bear and ragged staff, the badge of the ancient lords of Walsall, is circular, with a representation in relief of the device of the common seal encircled by the legend:
BURGUM DE WALSALL CHARTIS VETERUM REGUM FUNDATUM (Borough of Walsall founded by ancient Royal Charter)