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Education for 14-19 year olds

Moving to another school or college at the start of year 10

Young people who are due to start year 10 in September have the opportunity to move to another school or college. You are not required to move your child if their existing school is still the best option for them.  

If your child has a statement of special educational needs (SEN) or an Education Health and Care (EHC) plan, you should contact the local authority that maintains your child’s statement or plan.

Several schools in the local area admit young people from year 10. Look at the GCSE curriculum with your child and think about what’s best for the next two years of their education.

If you would like to apply for a place you should contact the school or college direct, or the relevant local authority.

You could also look into the following academies:

UTCs are set up by universities and businesses. They specialise in one or two technical subjects and offer a similar GCSE curriculum to secondary schools. This includes English and maths. 

Studio schools have employer involvement in the curriculum and focus on developing the skills needed for employment. For example, Walsall Studio School specialises in the performing arts, creative media industries and business. They provide personal coaching and work experience, and a similar curriculum to a secondary school. 

All schools have a statutory duty to give careers guidance to all young people from year 8 to year 13. We want them to feel inspired, and help them reach their goals. We recommend that your child talk to their careers adviser about their options. 

If you would like to apply for a place you should contact the school or college direct, or the relevant local authority.