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Children's services

What are Family Hubs and where is your nearest?

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Walsall is one of seventy-five areas across the country which has launched Family Hubs within the last year.

Walsall Family Hubs logo

But what are Family Hubs, and where is your nearest?

Family Hubs are a ‘one-stop-shop’ for families with children aged 0-19, or up to 25 years old for those with additional needs.

The Hubs centralise a range of essential services all under one roof so parents can access the support they or their family need.

Services include access to social workers, family support practitioners, health visitors, school nurses, early help, police officers, domestic abuse support, mental health support and substance misuse support.

The Hubs form part of Walsall’s Children and Young People Strategic Alliance which focuses on the best start to life for our children and young people. Teams are located at four locality hubs across the borough:

• North Family Hub - 275 Blakenall Lane, Blakenall, Walsall WS3 1HJ  

• West Family Hub - Ilmington House, Crescent Road, Wednesbury, WS10 8AE  

• South & Central Family Hub - Birchills Street, Walsall, WS2 8NG  

• East Family Hub - Silver Court, Walsall, WS8 6HA

There are an additional 10 ‘community spokes’ based in voluntary and community buildings across Walsall.

Central government is investing approximately £300 million to embed the Family Hub approach across the country for families, and running alongside this investment is the launch of the new Little Moments Together campaign.

The campaign aims to help parents make the most of every moment - even waiting for a bus or shopping together - to further their child’s development.

Image lists all services available at Family Hubs: Benefits and financial support, child development, Early Help and Children's Social Care, Employment and Training, Housing, Infant Feeding Support, Midwives and Health Visiting, Speech and Language, Stay and Plays, Parenting support, Police and Volunteering opportunities
Services offered at Walsall's Family Hubs

“ Our locality hubs launched in July 2023 and have since been able to offer universal support to families in the borough of Walsall.

We know how crucial early years can be for a child’s development, and the Family Hubs are a great place to enjoy those little moments with your child or children.

The Hubs offer all sorts of free activities and workshops to come along to, including themed stay and plays, interactive activities and an opportunity for parents to go on courses such as first aid, all whilst receiving free child care – so please come along to your nearest Hub and spread the word! “

Councillor Stacie Elson, Portfolio Holder for Children's Services
Walsall Council

Keep up to date with what’s on at the Family Hubs in Walsall on Facebook (Walsall Families in The know) or email the team at


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