Walsall’s plan for a better future for everyone
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The Economic Strategy and Action Plan will address and tackle issues across the Walsall borough and prioritise resources to best meet the needs of residents.

An Economic Strategy and Action Plan (ESAP) for Walsall has been developed to address some of the challenges within the Walsall Borough and shape a future that benefits all.
The ESAP consists of key proposals that will help tackle these issues and prioritise resources to best meet the needs of Walsall residents - it will include the work of Walsall Council and partners to create an attractive and prosperous place and address crime, housing, community, health, opportunity, aspiration and environment among others. It has been developed alongside the We Are Walsall 2040 programme and consultation, during which residents told the Council that they want a better economy and job opportunities together with regeneration in the town.
The proposed actions include a reimagining of Walsall Town Centre, addressing the skills problem and delivering better job opportunities, development of brownfield sites, digital provision, becoming a low carbon exemplar and improving housing.
“ We’ve identified that Walsall’s economy needs to work for everyone, and we acknowledge the need to better utilise resources in a way that serves the interests of our residents, particularly those that are most vulnerable.
The ESAP’s key interventions propose a way forward that will help us to deliver a positive future for the people of Walsall, giving Walsall the opportunity to better understand and better utilise resources to prioritise the needs of the community.
The Borough has lots to offer, with justifiable ambition and optimism for the future, and this plan will help us to unlock these many assets to deliver a happier, healthier and more economically prosperous Borough for all residents. “
The Economic Strategy and Action Plan (ESAP) sets a new direction for Walsall, and has been constructed to address how the aspirations, ambitions and vision of Walsall Council and the businesses and residents of the Borough can more effectively be met over the coming decade and how a modern and competitive economy can be grown and fostered.
Stakeholders, partners, businesses, residents and the third sector have been extensively consulted in the development of this plan, which confronts the real challenges facing Walsall but aims to be a practical call to action with implementable interventions.
“ The key proposals have been developed following extensive consultation with those that live and work in the Borough so that we can identify the real challenges, needs, hopes and dreams of Walsall residents.
This gives us a framework for the next ten years which will help us to realise the ambitious vision that Walsall Council has for the future of the Borough. “
Notes to editors
- The Economic Strategy and Action Plan can be viewed in the 14 December 2022 Cabinet meeting papers (number 14a).