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Adult social care

Walsall’s Adult Social Care highlights achievements and priorities in annual report

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A national shortage of social workers in adult social care is being tackled in Walsall with a new apprenticeship scheme and improved workforce training. Future plans were outlined in the Annual Principal Social Worker's report presented to councillors last night (Thursday 11 July 2024).

Adult social care report

The annual report presented by Walsall Council’s most senior Adult Social Worker, Seanna Lassetter highlights the Adult Social Care team's dedication to delivering high-quality health and social care outcomes for Walsall residents from April 2023 to April 2024.

Among the key achievements include the expansion of the Social Work degree apprenticeship, due to the grant funding of four external places in 2024/2025.

A remarkable investment in Walsall’s Adult social care saw the recruitment of 15 more social workers to the Assessed and Supported Year in Employment (ASYE).

In addition, six final year placements were secured for student social workers who participated in Social Work Week in March 2024.

“ I am incredibly impressed by the hard work and dedication of our Adult Social Care team.
Their commitment to excellence is evident in the report, which showcases both the outstanding achievements of the past year and the ambitious plans they have in place for the future.

Over the last year, our Adult Social Care team has worked with partners such as the Walsall Safeguarding Partnership to deliver learning events as part of the practice, learning and development with over 200 people attending the self-neglect conference in October 2023.

In the last year, we focused on quality assurance and improvement of social work practice. Our principal social worker also worked closely with the Principal Occupational Therapist in 2023/2024 to develop practice, quality assurance and support the workforce. “

Councillor Keir Pedley, Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care
Walsall Council

The report details several key achievements in 2023/2024, including:

  • Successful second annual Staff Celebration Event in February 2024 recognised outstanding achievements in 2023.
  • Walsall’s Adult Social Care staff also delivered successful training events with the Walsall Safeguarding Partnership and appointed a dedicated safeguarding lead. The team implemented professional training of 5 Approved Mental Health Professionals (including 2 from Children’s services), 4 Best Interest Assessors, 4 Practice Educators, 2 Practice Assessors, 2 Practice Educator updates.
  • Implementing a successful workforce strategy to attract and retain social workers which was followed by a successful recruitment campaign in May 2023.
  • Establishing a monthly practice leader's forum, fostering research-based practice improvement, and embedding strengths-based approaches.
  • Practice Quality: Implementing a revised approach to casefile audits that incorporates lived experience perspectives.
  • National & Regional Leadership: Holding key positions within regional and national social work networks, contributing to research initiatives, and representing the West Midlands at prestigious events.


The report also outlines the team's priorities for the upcoming year (2024/25), with a focus on:

  • Development of new carers workflow to promote increased uptake of carers assessments and support.
  • Leading improvement initiatives for social work practice with older adults.
  • Contributing to CQC (Care Quality Commission) readiness activities.




Notes to the Editor

The Annual report presented at the scrutiny meeting on Thursday 11 July 2024 is available on the Council’s Committee Management and Information System (CMIS) Document.ashx (


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