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Health and wellbeing

Walsall selected to pilot workplace health checks

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Walsall has been selected as one of 48 local authorities in England to pilot a new scheme that will see CVD (cardiovascular disease) health checks carried out in workplace settings from September 2024 to March 2025.

Image depicts a person having a blood pressure check

The Workplace Cardiovascular Disease Health Checks Pilot grant scheme will bring together local authorities with employers to deliver NHS Health Checks into workplaces across the country. The multi-million-pound programme (of £6.67 million) will see employers offer comprehensive heart health checks that can detect and prevent a range of diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and kidney disease, as well as some cases of dementia.

Walsall has been awarded £29,600 of the funding available.

As part of the national programme more than 100,000 people will receive quick and easy checks in their workplaces. In Walsall, over 600 checks will be available. Employers from a range of industries will take part, including those from buildings, hospitality and transport sectors and the social care sector.

The workplace checks will provide the equivalent of an NHS Health Check. In Walsall, they will be piloted with 30–74-year-olds (the national programme offers checks for 40–74-year-olds) as this will provide greater access to those who are of working age and may have risk factors associated with CVD.

“ We are delighted to be part of this national pilot which will see more people come forward for a health check.

We know that cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of death and disability, accounting for around 1 in 4 deaths in England across all ages in 2022. However, 80% of cardiovascular diseases are preventable and regular health checks are one of the ways we can identify potential risks and help people take control of their cardiovascular health. Stopping smoking, eating good food, maintaining a healthy weight, reducing alcohol intake and ensuring we get enough exercise are key to maintaining our heart health.

The NHS Health Check is usually offered to eligible people aged 40-74 with no pre-existing health conditions every five years and it aims to prevent a range of diseases. The new pilot programme will diversify the way in which health checks are being delivered by offering them out to a broader cohort in workplaces across Walsall and in England.

By delivering NHS Health Checks in targeted workplaces, we hope to reach people who may be at higher risk of developing CVD and keep them healthy at work, as we know that poor health is a leading cause of people not being able to work. “

Councillor Gary Flint, Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing
Walsall Council

To learn more about the government announcement visit the GOV.UK website.

If you would like more health and wellbeing support to reduce your risk of CVD, please contact Be Well Walsall on 01922 444044 or visit

Residents can also access support to cut down on alcohol through The Beacon – Change Grow Live. Visit Change Grow Live online or call 01922 669840.


Notes to editor:

  • In November 2023, £10m funding was secured from His Majesty’s Treasury’s Shared Outcome Fund for a programme that included launching a pilot to undertake and evaluate 150,000 cardiovascular disease (CVD) health checks in workplaces by March 2025. £7 million is allocated to the Workplace CVD Health Checks Pilot, with £6.67 million total grant funding available, while the remaining £330,000 of funding for this part of the programme is allocated to data collection and evaluation of the pilot. 
  • The pilot will gather evidence on the feasibility and impact of workplace NHS Health Checks. It will encourage employers to support people to stay well in work, by gathering and sharing learning on delivering NHS Health Checks in the workplace. 
  • The NHS Health Check is England’s flagship cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention programme. It aims to prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes and kidney disease, and some cases of dementia among adults aged 40-74 years. Eligible people in England are invited to have a check once every five years. The check involves calculating a person’s risk of CVD through assessing the seven main risk factors; smoking status, body mass index (BMI), alcohol consumption, physical activity level, cholesterol level, blood pressure, and blood sugar level. A person is then supported to reduce their risk of CVD through behaviour change interventions such as weight management, and to access clinical treatment where needed, for example drug treatment to reduce high blood pressure.
  • Over 16 million people are eligible for an NHS Health Check every five years. Data from April 2019 and March 2024 (latest complete 5-year cycle) show that over 11 million (11,096,823) people were offered a check, but only 40.6% of those offered had one.     
  • To find out more about the NHS Health Check visit the NHS website.
  • Funded by Walsall Council, Be Well Walsall is a free wellbeing service which can improve your physical and mental health. Be Well Walsall can help you to get active, manage your weight, stop smoking, look after your emotional wellbeing. Find out more and access services on the Be Well Walsall website.
  • The Beacon – Change Grow Live provides free and confidential support for young people and adults in Walsall who misuse drugs or alcohol. They also support friends, families, and carers affected by other people's substance misuse. If you need support for alcohol, you can refer yourself for treatment or advice at The Beacon. Services available range from preventative advice through to more intensive residential and in-patient specialist unit detoxification programmes.

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