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Walsall Retailer Fined for Illegal Vape Sale to Underaged Teen

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A Walsall town centre retailer appeared at Dudley Magistrates Court on Wednesday 3 May 2023 and has been fined £1870 after being caught by Walsall Council Trading Standards for selling vapes to underage children.

Source: istock images

Vape Trick, 71-75 Park Street, Walsall, WS1 1NW was visited by officers on 8 April 2022. The visit came after multiple reports of suspected underage sales. Rajinder Singh confirmed he was the owner of the store and was advised by Trading Standards officer.

On 1 September 2022, Trading Standards officers carried out a test purchasing exercise that saw a 15-year-old volunteer purchase age restricted products unchallenged. The volunteer went in to Vape Trick and was able to buy a strawberry flavoured nicotine.

In Court, Mr Singh admitted that vapes were the biggest seller in the shop. He pleaded guilty to the underage sale and his business was handed down a fine of £440, Victim Surcharge of £176 and costs of £1254.07.


“ These types of disposable vapes are intentionally appealing to children due to their flavours and bright colours and contain as much nicotine as at least 40 cigarettes. They are highly addictive and incredibly dangerous for young people. Not only that but enabling children to access these types of products leads to antisocial behaviour and is a blight on the community.

Retailers like Vape Trick that endanger our communities need to be held to account. This case should serve as a warning to other retailers that flout the regulations. My thanks go to our Trading Standards officers who, along with others in the wider Regulatory Services team, quietly do so much to keep us all safe.

Councillor Garry Perry, Deputy Leader for Resilient Communities,
Walsall Council


Note to Editor

Rajinder Singh is the sole director of Walsall Stores Ltd, trading as Vape Trick, 71-75 Park Street, Walsall, WS1 1NW
Regulation 3 of The Nicotine Inhaling Products (Age of Sale and Proxy Purchasing) Regulations 2015 and Section 92(2) of the Children and Families Act 2014 states it is an offence to sell a nicotine inhaling product to a person under the age of 18 years.

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