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Walsall residents asked for their views on ambitious Walsall plans

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The We Are Walsall 2040 draft strategy is complete and the public are being asked to share their views in the latest round of public consultation.

Walsall town centre

We Are Walsall 2040 is a long-term campaign that encompasses a series of ambitious plans for the future of Walsall. It is a combined effort by partners across the borough, to engage with residents and make the improvements that people want to see.

The draft strategy, which was approved by Cabinet on Wednesday 8 February 2023, sets out the main ambitions of the campaign and provides a series of actions that will enable Walsall to achieve the goals.

Within the strategy is an extensive list of outcomes and actions that will come together to achieve a Walsall that is thriving and happy, healthy and well, prosperous and innovative and proud of our borough by 2040.

The public are being invited to share their views on the draft strategy when public consultation opens on Friday 17 February 2023.

“ This is an exciting time for Walsall, and this draft strategy underpins our ambitious plans for the future of the borough. I hope that the public will see that we are working towards a better future, and we have real, solid plans in place to help us get there.

The draft plan brings together the views of the thousands of people that took part in our largest ever public engagement in 2022 and sets out the actions needed over the next 17 years to achieve the future that we know the people of Walsall want.

I want to encourage residents to have their say in the upcoming public consultation so that we can make sure the needs of the people are being met throughout this process.

Councillor Garry Perry, Portfolio Holder for Resilient Communities
Walsall Council

“ The college is very proud to be a part of the We Are Walsall 2040 initiative. The draft strategy outlines how project partners, including ourselves, can better serve our communities’ jobs and skills needs and provides a clear pathway to achieving our plans.

Our first public consultation was a huge success, with thousands of people, including our students and staff, taking part to share their views. I hope that Walsall residents and those studying and working in the area once again get involved and provide their feedback on the draft strategy so we can ensure that we are shaping a Walsall that works for everyone.

Jatinder Sharma CBE DL, Principal and Chief Executive
Walsall College

Public consultation will run from Friday 17 February until Tuesday 21 March 2023, during which time residents will be able to read the draft strategy in full and give their feedback. The feedback given will be considered in developing the final document and will help shape the plans for the borough. The final full strategy will then be approved at Council in June 2023.


Notes to editors

Between now and 21st March 2023, residents can read the draft plan in full and have their say here:

We Are Walsall 2040 is the combined effort of 12 Walsall partners, these are;

  • Walsall Council
  • Walsall College
  • University of Wolverhampton
  • West Midlands Fire Service
  • WHG Housing Association
  • One Walsall
  • West Midlands Police
  • Walsall Together
  • Walsall for All
  • NHS Black Country and West Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group
  • Walsall FC
  • Walsall FC Foundation



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