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Walsall to remember Sister Dora with annual thanksgiving service

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On Sunday 21 January, Walsall will host its annual thanksgiving service to commemorate the life and work of Sister Dora.   

Portrait of Sister Dora
Portrait of Sister Dora

Dorothy Wyndlow Pattison, better known as Sister Dora, was a nun who selflessly ministered to the people of Walsall.  

Her special relationship to Walsall and enduring legacy are marked each year with a commemorative service and the laying of a wreath under her town statue.  

The service will take place at St. Paul’s Church at The Crossing, Darwall Street, WS1 1DA at 11am on Sunday 21 January 2024  

Deputy Mayor of Walsall, Councillor Anthony Harris and Deputy Mayoress, Mrs. Christina Harris will be joined by civic leaders, local health professionals, police, fire and ambulance teams on the day.    

At 11.45am, the congregation will walk to the Sister Dora statue on The Bridge, where the Deputy Mayoress will lead the laying of floral tributes.      

The church service is also open to the public and anyone who wishes to remember the tremendous contribution that Sister Dora made to the town.  

“ Sister Dora was adored by the people of Walsall, so much so that a statue was erected in her memory.

It is an honour for me and the Deputy Mayoress to continue the tradition of remembering such an important figure in this town's history.

It is absolutely right and proper that Walsall honours her contribution and her efforts. “

Deputy Mayor of Walsall, Councillor Anthony Harris

“ Sister Dora was a gifted and visionary nurse whose legacy for putting the needs of others first remains in Walsall today thanks to the efforts of volunteers and others who work so hard for our communities.

I recommend that people read up on her as there are many stories about her selfless devotion to what she saw as her absolute duty to others.

We will continue to honour her contribution to the world of nursing and give thanks for the inspirational care and tireless service she once gave to the borough of Walsall. “

Councillor Mike Bird, Leader of Walsall Council

Anyone who would like to learn more about Sister Dora and her remarkable life is encouraged to view the wealth of resources available at Walsall Archives, situated in the Lichfield Street Hub.   

The Archives hold more than 1,700 collections of documents, from c1200 to the present day, including, institutional material from Walsall Council and its predecessors. 


To find out more about using the Walsall Archive service then please either email, telephone 01922 652 212 or visit  

The hub is open to the public 10am – 4pm every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. 

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