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Walsall Council’s call for sites to close in September

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Walsall Council’s call for sites will close on 27 September 2024.

Walsall Borough Local Plan

The call for sites launched in January this year invites the public, businesses, landowners and others with local knowledge of the area to submit their ideas and thoughts to help shape the future of the borough.

Feedback will help guide how land is used and developed for different uses in the future, such as new homes, jobs, open spaces, and land for nature and other purposes in the new Walsall Borough Local Plan.

“ The call for sites web page has already generated a good amount of interest from residents, businesses and landowners.

The new government expects us to allocate more land, especially for housing in our local plan, so we want to have a look at as many sites as possible. When I was elected Leader I pledged that the development of green belt land would not happen in my name. We want to focus on the most suitable sites for development, prioritising bringing brownfield sites forward first.

Residents can also suggest areas where they would like to protect land that is considered to contribute positively to the community it serves.

We want people to put forward ideas, not just for land that can be developed into houses or employment uses, but we want ideas for community-specific developments too. “

Councillor Garry Perry
Leader of Walsall Council

There have been more than 200 submissions to date, including land which could be suitable for new buildings, homes, jobs, and community use.

The opportunity to submit a site for consideration will be available until 27 September 2024. You can visit the website before the closing date to submit your ideas using an interactive map to drop a pin on the proposed location. You can also find out more about the new Walsall Borough Local Plan.


Notes to editors:

Visit the Call for Sites on Commonplace,

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