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Transport and streets

Walsall Council’s Cabinet to consider transport spend 

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At a meeting of Cabinet on Wednesday 22 March 2023, councillors will consider a £1.7 million programme of transport projects for the coming year. Funding from both the West Midlands City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement and Walsall Council will be allocated to road safety schemes, major projects and strategic projects.

Electric car charge point - black car
Electric car charge point - black car

Each year the Council receives a share of government money allocated to the West Midlands Combined Authority to improve transport networks and develop the designs and funding applications for bigger schemes. A prioritisation process sees the investment targeted to the places that are most in need of improvement. 

In the next 12 months, it is proposed that there will be road safety improvements on Salters Road and Northgate in Aldridge, including changes to a mini roundabout, plus several other road safety projects across the borough. 

Work is planned to continue in partnership with Transport for West Midlands and West Midlands Rail Executive on the new rail stations and surrounding roads at Darlaston and Willenhall. Work on a new rail station at Aldridge is also being progressed.   

Major road corridors that are being looked at for future improvements include the A454 Walsall to Wolverhampton route via Willenhall and the A4038 Darlaston Road from Walsall town centre to Moxley. A programme of electric vehicle charging points is also set to be rolled-out in residential areas across the Borough. 

“ Investing in our highway and public transport networks is important to make our roads safe and efficient, helping local people access the things they need - jobs, school, college, healthcare, shopping and leisure. Transport is playing its part in helping regenerate our borough and make Walsall a thriving place. “

Councillor Adrian Andrew, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Regeneration
Walsall Council

Note to Editor 

The West Midlands City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement is a programme of capital investment worth £1bn from 2022 to 2027. This is supplemented with the council’s own transport capital money. Money will be spent directly on transport improvements but spending on early design and development work allows the council to make funding applications for multi-million pound projects. 

Cabinet reports  

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