Walsall Council welcomes 63 new citizens in ceremony
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On Monday 13 January 2025, Walsall Town Hall welcomed 63 British citizens in a ceremony for the first time since the covid 19 lockdown.
The ceremony was presided over by the Mayor of Walsall, Councillor Anthony Harris and Deputy Lieutenant of the West Midlands, David Frost.
Previously, ceremonies have been held in Walsall's Register Office, however the decision was made to move them to the Town Hall, a more poignant and historic venue.
“ Welcome and congratulations on becoming British Citizens. Hosting the ceremony in our wonderful Town Hall, a truly fitting venue for a special occasion, was a real honour.
I am proud that those taking part in the ceremony join a country of freedom, diversity, tolerance and inclusion.
Being the Mayor of this great town has been the honour of my lifetime. We are a proud and multi-cultural place with hard-working, good people.
On behalf of King Charles III, welcome our new citizens. “
During the ceremony, new citizens made an oath or affirmation of allegiance to His Majesty the King and a pledge to respect the rights, freedoms and laws of the UK. New citizens were then presented with their certificates, followed by a chance for photographs with the mayor, other dignitaries present.
“ It was an honour to offer my personal congratulations to all on the occasion of being awarded their British Citizenship.
As the Mayor said, Walsall is a vibrant borough with a very warm and welcoming attitude. I hope you will all contribute to making Walsall and Britain a better place and wish every one of you every success as new citizens in building your lives here with your friends and families. “
At the close of the ceremony everyone in attendance were asked to stand for the national anthem after pledging allegiance to His Majesty the King.
Watch the full video on the Council's youtube page: