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Walsall Council taking court action to demolish derelict Brown Jug pub

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Walsall Council has taken court action to demolish the former Brown Jug pub on Sandbeds Road in Short Heath and to determine its ownership.

A derelict red brick pub called the Brown Jug sits vacant behind a metal fence. The lower windows are boarded up and the tarmac at the front is dotted with overgrown weeds

The pub, which has been empty for over a decade, is in a bad state of repair and the Council is pushing for the building to be demolished and redeveloped.

“ The Brown Jug is one of many sites across Willenhall that has been abandoned and left to rot. The owners need to work with the Council and the local community to bring this site forward for redevelopment.

We are supporting the campaign, led by Short Heath Councillors, to rid the community of this eyesore. Enough is enough and we will, as we are in other parts of Willenhall and the wider Borough, use the powers of the Council to resolve this issue and bring the site back into economic use as a priority

Councillor Adrian Andrew, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Regeneration
Walsall Council

The former pub, which has previously been at the centre of unsuccessful redevelopment plans, came into the spotlight again recently when Walsall Council’s derelict sites working group identified it as a site for redevelopment.

A big part of the borough’s ongoing regeneration and transformation will involve gaining ownership of derelict buildings and brownfield sites to bring them back into sustainable use and help protect the Greenbelt.

Walsall is undergoing a £1.5billion transformation and the Council is attracting funding and inward investment to regenerate the borough, creating jobs and opportunities for residents and businesses and developing more much-needed housing .

A decision on the court case is expected in December.




Notes to editors


  • In 2018, Cavan Vets was granted planning permission to redevelop the Brown Jug into a veterinary practice however withdrew the application in favour of a different site.
  • A 1,600 name petition was presented in 2018 calling on Walsall Council to use Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) powers to acquire the site.
  • Walsall Council committed to ensuring the site was acquired however difficulties around determining who the site is legally owned by has delayed the process. A decision from the court is expected by the end of the year.


Walsall is a Borough undergoing real transformation, creating a wealth of opportunity. There is a shared ambition to deliver well connected, attractive places where people are proud to live and work and where businesses want to locate; where there is a strong mix of housing for all our residents, where our communities are well served and all of our residents have the best life chances.

To fulfil this potential, more than £1.0billion of investment has been attracted and schemes are either under construction right now or have planning consent confirmed, and a further £0.5billion of schemes are in the pipeline to seek further investment.

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