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Walsall Council sets out its budget for 2024/25

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Walsall Council this week set out its council budget proposals for 2024/25 at a Cabinet meeting on Wednesday 18 October 2023. This meeting provided an updated medium term financial outlook and a first draft of the budget for next year.


“ The council has a statutory responsibility to set a balanced budget and I am confident that our track record of strong and robust financial management will achieve this.

It’s a challenge that all councils are facing because of the unprecedented cost-of-living increases that we are all experiencing, and rising demand on many of our services, particularly within adult social care and children’s services. Our priority remains to deliver a balanced budget for 2024/25 and keep the council tax increase as low as possible. We know that many of our residents are finding it hard and our proposals have taken this into account. If you live, work, study, visit or do business in the Borough, please have your say in our budget consultation, which starts today. “

Councillor Mike Bird, Leader of Walsall Council

The council is proposing a 2.99% general council tax increase and a further 2% precept for adult social care The proposals are equivalent to an increase of 16 pence per day (£1.14 per week) for an average Band D property.   

Outlined in the budget is the draft capital programme for 2024/25, which totals £132.08 million. This contains significant investment into regeneration initiatives, highways and education. It also outlines investment into adult and children’s social care and housing to support vulnerable households through the provision of aids and adaptations. 

A number of savings proposals are also included in the proposed budget. The council’s Proud transformation plan is designed to improve service efficiency and performance whilst improving outcomes for customers. By the end of this year, £64 million worth of savings will have been delivered by the transformation programme.

The budget for 2024/25 is currently not balanced and there is a budget gap of £18.06 million. Proposals will be identified to close the gap, and a further update will be provided to Cabinet on Wednesday 13 December 2023. The final 2024/25 budget will be presented to Cabinet and then to Full Council in February 2024. A period of public consultation to seek feedback on the proposals begins on Thursday 19 October 2023.

To read the budget proposals for 2024/25 and to take part in the consultation, please visit:


Alternatively, you can email comments to or write to Budget Consultation, Walsall Council, Darwall Street, Walsall, WS1 1TP. 

Notes to editors 





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