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Fly tipping and pollution

Walsall Council seizes ‘fly-tipping’ vehicles in early morning operation

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Walsall Council’s Community Protection Officers have seized a vehicle.

White Van seized from Bescot Road

In a decisive action against environmental crime, Walsall Council has seized a vehicle from Bescot Road on 26 July 2024 at 06:55am. This operation forms part of the Council's ongoing commitment to maintaining a clean and safe community.

The seized vehicle is a white Transit van, which had been identified by the Council's CCTV as involved in two incidents of fly-tipping on Woodwards Road in May 2024. The vehicle's owner now faces prosecution under Section 110 of the Environment Act 1995 for intentionally obstructing an authorised officer. Additionally, they will be charged for both fly-tipping offences.

The captured footage revealed that the driver had deposited two substantial loads of waste on two occasions, demonstrating a blatant disregard for community cleanliness and environmental regulations. Walsall Council remains steadfast in its efforts to combat such illegal activities and will continue to take rigorous action against offenders.

“ A few weeks ago I announced a clear leadership plan for Walsall - one of my pledges was to continue the battle against fly-tipping taking a zero-tolerance approach to all those who bring grime on our Borough. This morning's operation sends a clear message that Walsall Council will not tolerate environmental crimes such as fly-tipping.

"Our community deserves to live in a cleaner and greener environment, and we are committed to taking strong action against those who undermine this. We will continue to use every tool at our disposal to prosecute offenders and protect our neighbourhoods.

Councillor Garry Perry, Leader of Walsall Council


Notes to editors

  • Fly-tipping in Walsall costs the borough approximately £500, 000 a year in clear up costs
  • Action has been taken against fly-tipping and dropping litter over 900 times since June 2022
  • Walsall Council where necessary will use all the powers at its disposal to tackle Fly-tipping and ASB - including the seizing of vehicles
  • Community Protection Officers are part of a small, dedicated council team that set up to deal with fly tipping offences and demonstrate robust action against offenders.
  • Fly tipping is a criminal offence and vehicle seizure is one of a range of enforcement tools available to the team. The maximum penalty for conviction in the courts is an unlimited fine or up to 5 years imprisonment
  • During 2020, the Community Protection team issued 45 Fixed Penalty Notices to individuals caught depositing rubbish in Walsall.
  • There is no excuse for fly-tipping
  • Walsall Council operates two household waste recycling centres in the borough where non- commercial waste is responsibly disposed.

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