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Children's services

Walsall Council secures DfE Respite Innovation Programme funding to support vulnerable young people

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Respite innovation programme funding secured to help vulnerable young people.


Walsall Council is one of only six Local authorities that have been successful in securing £965,888 of Department for Education funding to provide a range of short break opportunities for young people with additional needs, at risk of poor health outcomes, school exclusion or school refusal and low level exploitation.

The funding will be used to create an offer which will include sports based activities to build on health, wellbeing and resilience along with dedicated groups to provide targeted intervention and diversionary activities. Support will be provided to help families to understand and reduce risks of exploitation, as well as creating wider family support network and access to bespoke support.

The programme, to be launched in mid-July, and will work with between 50 and 60 young people aged 11 and above and their families between now and March 2023. The council is working closely with partners and voluntary and community services to provide locally-based, easily accessible activities for our vulnerable children and young people.

“ I fully welcome this funding provision which will offer targeted support to improve health, education and wellbeing for children, young people with additional needs and their families.

Identifying children and young people at risk of health and social inequalities is not always easy. For children with disabilities and/or additional learning needs, their isolation can lead to further vulnerabilities making them at greater risk of poorer outcomes. Their chances of success are disproportionately low unless they can access appropriate early intervention and support such as that will be made available as part of this project.

This funding comes at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic and current cost of living increase have directly contributed to one of the most challenging times faced by vulnerable children, young people and their families in recent history – this project aims to address this and reduce inequalities and deprivation in the borough. “

Councillor Tim Wilson
Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services

Activities will be available during term time, weekly and on weekend weekends and will include access to a one to one mentor and support available for the whole family. 

During the school holidays all of the young people eligible for the programme will be able to access the current Holiday Activity and Food Programme provision currently offered to eligible families in the borough (i.e. accessing free school meals).

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