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Walsall Council ready for winter with gritting salt on standby

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Walsall Council is prepared for the winter season with thousands of tons of gritting salt readily available in reserves. This proactive measure aims to prevent potential disruptions caused by icy road conditions.

Councillor Kerry Murphy, Portfolio Holder for Street Pride at Walsall Council, visiting the Tarmac Depot earlier this week.
Councillor Kerry Murphy, Portfolio Holder for Street Pride at Walsall Council, visiting the Tarmac Depot earlier this week.

Approximately 2,800 tons of salt have been stockpiled to meet the demands of the upcoming winter season. Tarmac Walsall Highways Maintenance has the responsibility of storing and distributing the gritting salt reserves at the depot centre.

To address the gritting needs of the borough, Tarmac Walsall Highways Maintenance has divided the gritting route into five sections, with each route taking around three to four hours to complete. Each section is assigned a dedicated gritting vehicle, and on an average night, approximately 25 to 30 tonnes of salt are distributed across the routes.

Tarmac receives weather forecasts from MeteoGroup, a forecast organisation, with all of their data used for roads across the West Midlands. This means that Walsall Council has a clear idea of when and where the gritting is taking place and is able to relay this information to residents through its social media channels.

Much of this gritting work is carried out throughout the night, meaning that although gritters may not be seen on the roads, the work is being done.


“ While we cannot treat every road, we remain committed to prioritising the safety of our community. As we enter this winter period, we will continue to work diligently alongside the dedicated workers of Tarmac Walsall Highways to minimise the impacts of winter weather on our main roads, fostering safe and accessible travel for all. “

Councillor Kerry Murphy
Portfolio Holder for Street Pride at Walsall Council

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