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People and communities

Walsall Council partners with NHS Black Country ICB to launch four locality-based hubs to improve access to services and support

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Walsall Council, in partnership with NHS Black Country Integrated Care Board (ICB), has launched a new locality-based model of support for Walsall’s voluntary and community organisations across the borough.

Locality lead

The implementation of this new way of working aims to provide more locality based support to the voluntary and community sector, championing them and enabling the voice of the sector to be heard.

Organisations are now able to access support in four locality-based hubs based in Walsall, Bentley, Bloxwich and Rushall. Services include infrastructure support such as delivering training and helping develop policies and procedures. Guidance about how to start a new group including how to set up as a new community interest company is available too.

The locality hubs can also help identify external funding opportunities and new income streams, enabling these groups to become more self-sufficient and to develop services and support around the needs of the local residents.

In addition, the new model, which has been funded by the Black Country Integrated Care board (ICB) will bring groups together to help tackle issues such as loneliness and isolation in the elderly, children and young people.

“ Locality working is about improving the quality of life within the community and the way in which services are provided within that particular community rather than the council taking a blanket approach across the borough.

It’s about working together across public services and with communities. By developing and delivering support in a localised way and working with partners in the NHS and community and voluntary sector, we are putting the needs of residents first.

Local people know their local community best and what will work well. This way of delivering support will improve access to local sources of support and to employment, training and business opportunities, leading to economic growth and long-term positive outcomes for local people

Councillor Garry Perry, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Resilient Communities,

“ Building resilient communities is at the heart of what we are trying to achieve as Walsall Together Place Based Partnership.
We know that communities differ across Walsall and therefore have different needs. By having more hubs across the borough, we are better able to support individual communities, rather than trying to take a one size fits all approach.
Fundamental to this way of working is the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector who are key to providing that trusted link between the communities they live and work in and the support available

Geraint Griffiths-Dale, Walsall Managing Director at the NHS Black Country Integrated Care Board

The four locality hubs are:

South Locality - Nash Dom CIC

Tel: 01922 616444 Email:

West Locality - Old Hall People Partnership

Tel: 01922 474684 Email:

North Locality - Bloxwich Community Partnership

Tel: 01922 403351 Email:

East Locality - Manor Farm Community Association

Tel: 01922 614316 Email:


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