Children's services
Walsall Council named Fostering Friendly employer
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Walsall Council has recently been accredited with Foster Friendly status by the National Fostering Network.

Walsall Council has recently been accredited Fostering Friendly status by the National Fostering Network, for the support provided to employees that foster children.
The Fostering Friendly scheme helps employers to improve the levels of help and support provided to employee’s who are foster carers. As a part of the scheme, Walsall Council has implemented a fostering friendly HR policy to support and protect employees who foster.
“ Implementing the fostering friendly policy and being recognised as a Foster Friendly employer is a huge step forward for Walsall.
As an organisation, we actively encourage fostering within the community to support children and young people, so it is only right that we ensure our policies work in line with this and support staff who foster.
Fostering is hugely important for children and young people who have been separated, for whatever reason, from their birth parents. Their experience of foster care can have a profound impact on their lives and at Walsall Council we strive to make sure that it’s a positive one. Implementing this policy and providing additional support and flexibility for staff who foster helps us to do this by ensuring they feel supported to fulfil the needs of the child or children in their care. “
Walsall’s fostering friendly policy forms part of the wider family friendly HR policy, which outlines the support and flexibility available for employees with all manner of family commitments and needs.
The purpose of the fostering friendly policy is to recognise and value the contribution that foster carers make to the lives of children and young people in care. And to provide the flexibility needed in order that employees who foster can meet the needs of their fostered child or young person.
Some of the key elements of the policy include 5 days paid leave to attend pre-approval training for staff going through the process of becoming a registered foster carer. A maximum of 7 paid days off per year while a foster child is placed with them, as well as additional paid leave to attend statutory 6 monthly meetings.
More information about the fostering friendly scheme can be found here Fostering Friendly | The Fostering Network