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Walsall Council apprentices in finals of top awards

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Walsall Council Apprentices Manjit Kaur and Kiran Bibi have been shortlisted as finalists at The Multicultural Apprenticeship Awards 2022 Employer and Learning Provider.

News spelled out with scrabble letters

The awards continue to grow year on year, with over 300 apprentices nominated across over 200 employers breaking last year’s record. Employers range from household names, blue chip companies to small, medium and micro-enterprises across a range of categories. Our Apprentices have done extremely well to have fought off some very tough competition to become a Finalist.

The Multicultural Apprenticeship Awards in partnership with Pearson showcases the outstanding work and achievement of apprentices from multicultural backgrounds in Britain and inspires other Apprentices to reach their full potential. The awards are organised by Pathway Group, who aim to close the diversity gap in Apprenticeships by supporting Apprentices and working with employers to make meaningful change.

The awards platform has been instrumental in creating future leaders and ambassadors for apprenticeships and has brought to the forefront key issues surrounding the need for more diversity within certain sectors.

“ Apprenticeships are a fantastic way of widening participation. From the outset the Council was determined to see the Apprentice Levy as an integral part of its workforce strategy, including building a representative workforce at all levels. We are so proud of Manjit and Kiran and will be keeping our fingers crossed for them at the Awards Evening. “

Councillor Ken Ferguson
Walsall Council

Winning employers have showcased their diversity and inclusion strategies and how it’s helped them to shape an inclusive and diverse work environment as best practice examples for other organisations to follow suit.

“We’re here to celebrate Apprentices and the people that employ and train them. Best of luck in the process and congratulations to all this year’s finalists!” said Safaraz Ali, CEO of Pathway Group.

Manjit Kaur, an existing employee, completed her Chartered Management Degree Apprenticeship.

Kiran Bibi started at Walsall Council as a Business Administration Apprentice then moved into a more permanent position within Children’s Services.

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