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People and communities

Walsall butchers forced to close due to rats

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Beacon Farm Butchers in Aldridge has been shut down due to a rodent infestation after a visit from environmental health officers at Walsall Council.


Officers issued a Hygiene Emergency Prohibition Notice to close the shop immediately after the visit.

The closure was ordered by Dudley Magistrates Court on Thursday 26 October 2023 with court costs of £475.

“ We take food safety very seriously. When we find businesses are not meeting the correct standards, we take action for the health and safety of the public. Rats, cockroaches, and mice have no place in food premises.

Closing down any Walsall businesses is the last thing we want to do. The council is dedicated to helping companies succeed, and we want to collaborate with them to make sure they are conducting their operations legally and in a way that keeps residents and customers safe. I hope that Beacon Farm Butchers will work with the council’s food safety officers to address the situation and ensure that pest control treatments are undertaken and that the premises are clean and safe before reopening. “

Councillor Garry Perry, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Resilient Communities
Walsall Council

Residents are encouraged to report any concerns about hygiene of any food premises within the borough. Information on how to contact Environmental Health can be found on Walsall Council's webiste


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