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Walsall Borough Local Plan to be discussed at Cabinet
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An update and revised timetable for the progression of the Walsall Borough Local Plan will be considered at a Cabinet meeting on Wednesday 11 December 2024.

“ The Walsall Borough Local Plan will set out how the council intends to meet the need for new homes and jobs up to 2042. It is key to realising our growth and regeneration ambitions and will align with our Council Plan priorities, and the aims set out in the long-term We are Walsall 2040 vision for the borough.
We need to make sure there are enough homes and jobs for people living and working in the borough of Walsall. Over the next 15 to 20 years, we expect the number of people to grow, and this means that we will need more homes for people to live in and places for them to work. The plan will also seek to protect valuable open space and nature conservation sites.
This revised timetable is considered achievable, and throughout the process there will be regular consultation with our local communities and businesses so they can be involved as work on the Walsall Borough Local Plan progresses.
We already have a substantial amount of evidence gathered previously when we were working with our Black Country neighbours on the Black Country Plan, as well as feedback from this year’s call for sites, which ran from 31 January 2024 to 27 September 2024, and through which we received nearly 400 submissions. This will help us work out where the different types of development we need in the future could go. “
The proposed timetable for the progression of the Walsall Borough Local Plan includes two rounds of public consultation: in autumn 2025 on the draft plan, and in summer 2026 on the publication plan, with the council seeking to submit the plan to the Secretary of State by December 2026.
The Walsall Borough Local Plan will be a key statutory document that will shape the future of the borough, by setting out planning policies and allocating sites for different types of uses, for example, for employment, housing and public space. It will ensure that new homes and employment opportunities are in the most appropriate, sustainable locations, as well as protecting valuable areas of open space and designated nature areas.
Once adopted, the Walsall Borough Local plan will be used to determine planning applications and guide new development. It will also provide a framework to help enable regeneration and attract investment into the borough, as well as replacing Walsall’s existing development plans, comprising the Black Country Core Strategy, Walsall Site Allocations Document, Unitary Development Plan (saved policies) and the Walsall Town Centre Area Action Plan.
This Cabinet meeting takes place on Wednesday 11 December 2024 and starts at 6pm. It is a public meeting. Details about how the public can access the meeting and associated papers can be found at:
To view the meeting online, visit:
For more information about the Walsall Borough Local Plan, visit the council’s planning pages: