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Transport and streets

Traffic restrictions in Walsall town centre

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Walsall Council is to trial traffic restrictions on upper Bridge Street in Walsall town centre during the latter part of the evening and early hours of the morning from Monday 8 August 2022, following pedestrian safety concerns.

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Walsall Council is to trial traffic restrictions on upper Bridge Street in Walsall town centre during the latter part of the evening and early hours of the morning from Monday 8 August 2022, following pedestrian safety concerns. Officers from the Council’s resilient communities, highways and transport, and legal services teams have been working with colleagues at West Midlands Police to address a number of issues in respect to the town’s night-time economy.

“ Safety must come first when it comes to a night-time economy. The restrictions being implemented are not new and we’ve used them before when we faced similar problems. It is hoped that the restrictions will add a control element to upper Bridge Street at a time of the evening when problems with vehicles and pedestrians leaving clubs and pubs create a chaotic environment. “

Councillor Garry Perry
Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Resilient Communities for Walsall Council

The Experimental Traffic Regulation Order will prohibit vehicles, except buses, pedal cycles and licensed taxis, from using the section of upper Bridge Street between Goodall Street and Lichfield Street. This restriction will be in operation Monday to Sunday between the hours of 11 pm and 5 am only. Outside of these times, the road will be open for normal use.

Advanced warning signs will be placed on upper Bridge Street ahead of the restrictions, which come into force on Friday 5 August 2022. A letter is being sent out to the taxi trade and local takeaway businesses. Reminder text messages and posts about the restriction will also be posted on the Council’s social media platforms. Highway lighting and CCTV coverage has been assessed and will maintain the safety and security of pedestrians travelling to and from upper Bridge Street when the traffic restrictions are in force.

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