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People and communities

Successful crowdfunding programme supports 23 grass roots projects in Walsall

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Since February 2021, the Council’s Crowdfund Walsall programme has helped voluntary and community sector organisations to raise £219,822 for 23 grass roots projects in Walsall.

a group of people cheering

Crowdfund Walsall is a civic crowdfunding model, which means community and voluntary sector organisations can harness the necessary support to finance a project with benefits to the borough and its residents.

“ The programme is another clear example of how our communities are at the heart of what we do and who we serve.

I have continued to be inspired by the range, and number of projects that have come through the programme but not just that, the quality and enthusiasm to change our borough and do any number of ‘good things’ is impressive.

Local people and organisations are best placed to understand the challenges and opportunities in their area and this model puts them and their ideas in the driving seat.

Councillor Garry Perry, Portfolio Holder for Resilient Communities
Walsall Council

The Crowdfund Walsall programme provides a new source of funding for community-led projects, supporting anything from community gardens and youth buses to outdoor gyms and litter picking groups.  The programme is managed by the External Funding Team, who work closely with local and national funders to secure match funding maximising the impact of public contributions. One such funder is the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

“ Investing in heritage means investing in the community it belongs to, which is why we are so pleased to support projects that really matter to the people of Walsall. It’s thanks to National Lottery players that we are able to support local initiatives like this, and I look forward to seeing a wide range of communities and cultures represented in this funding “

Robyn Llewellyn, Director for England, Midlands & East
The National Lottery Heritage Fund

The Council’s recent 2-year impact report looks back at the impact and achievements of the first two years of Crowdfund Walsall and shares the stories of the people behind the projects. The report highlights how crowdfunding can empower local community groups to participate in shaping the future of their neighbourhood by testing, securing funding, and delivering their own ideas, driving grassroots innovation, strengthening local capacity, and building resilience.

A spokesperson from Crowdfund Walsall funded Bread for Life Project, said: “We are excited to have reached our target and to actually be overfunded. It has been an exhilarating experience that we will not be quick to forget. However, the impact on getting the community to buy into the project has been fully acknowledged and appreciated. This was a great way to not only raise awareness of our health promotion activities but was relational and relevant to those with whom we shared the link with and those who came across our social media campaigns.”




Notes to editors

If you would like a copy of the two year report please email:

High level summary of report findings:

  • £84,381 has been pledged over 23 projects from across the following funds:
  • Crowdfund Walsall (CFW) - received part funding through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund
  • National Lottery Heritage Fund
  • Platinum Jubilee Celebration Fund
  • Tackling Inactivity Funds (TIF)
  • £219,822 has been raised in total project value.
  • £136,241 of the pledges have come from a mix of communities, business, and other supporter
  • pledges (excluding the Crowdfund Walsall pledges).
  • Leverage is 260%
  • The mean average pledge made by the Council was £2,518, the smallest pledge being £1,181 and the largest pledge being £3,500 the maximum per fund.
  • Of the 23 funded projects - 55% of projects exceeded their crowdfunding target.


To find out more about Crowdfund Walsall go to Crowdfund Walsall - Home (


This project, Crowdfund Walsall, has received £25,827 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills. For more information, visit .

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