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People and communities

Small grants to help communities celebrate the Coronation now open

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Walsall Council’s King’s Coronation Fund is now open, offering small grant payments to support community-based events.

Coronation emblem
Coronation emblem

Walsall Council, in partnership with Walsall Community Network, has grants of up to £150 available for activities such as street parties, family activities and gatherings in community buildings and spaces to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III. Supported events must take place between Saturday 6 and Monday 8 May 2023.

“ Applications for the small grants King’s Coronation Fund close on 14 April 2023, so get your thinking caps on and get your applications in as soon as you can.

If you’re considering a street party, make sure you get your application for a road closure in by the deadline of 31 March. “

Councillor Garry Perry
Deputy Leader for Resilient Communities

Funding is also available via Walsall Council’s Crowdfund initiative. Crowdfund Walsall gives local people the opportunity to create and deliver projects aiming to enhance the borough of Walsall. The platform is a place to connect businesses, residents and communities to showcase ideas for the borough and attract funds.

It is expected that there will be requests for road closures for street parties and the council will support communities by waiving charges wherever possible. Applications must be made no later than 31 March 2023 to allow for processing and the necessary legal undertakings.


Note to Editor

Anyone who has a voluntary or community organisation registered and delivering services within the borough of Walsall can apply for Walsall Council’s King’s Coronation Fund. 

Download the application form

Walsall Community network via Brownhills CA has agreed to receive any enquiries and post out any paper copies if required. Their contact number is 01543 452119.

Eligible organisations include:


Not-for-profit/social enterprises

Housing Associations

Community interest companies

Faith and equality groups and voluntary organisations

If you are not part of a group like those mentioned above, you may still be able to apply. Groups of individual residents can also apply.

Community Network via Brownhills Community Association has agreed to receive any enquiries and post out any paper copies if required. Their contact number is 01543 452119.

Government advice on organising a street party and applying for a road closure

Street party road closures on classified A or B roads will not be considered and bus routes should be avoided where possible. Locations where concerns are raised may not be progressed.

The closing date for street party road closure applications is Friday 31 March.

Crowdfund Walsall gives local people the opportunity to create and deliver projects aiming to enhance the borough of Walsall. The platform is a place to connect businesses, residents and communities to showcase ideas for the borough and attract funds.

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