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People and communities

Sign up to Walsall’s Big Community Switch  

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This month, a collective energy switching scheme is returning to Walsall to help households across the borough save money on their energy bills through collective energy switching. 

Logo for Big Community Switch
Logo of Big Community Switch

Known as the Big Community Switch, this scheme works by residents coming together to form a powerful buying unit and benefitting from the bargaining power of a large group. This can lead to cheaper energy bills for every household that signs up. 

The scheme was first introduced in Walsall in 2014 and over 3,500 residents have benefited so far, with total estimated savings of £419,541 per year, or an average of £115 per household per year. 

The registration deadline for the next energy auction is Wednesday 21 June 2023.  

Registration is free and to register, visit the website or call 0800 048 8285, Monday to Friday, from 8am to 5.30pm. 

During the energy auction, pre-vetted energy suppliers will submit bids and compete to provide the best deal. The supplier who offers the cheapest tariff will get to offer residents a new contract and residents will receive a personal offer from Tuesday 4 July 2023. This will be based on their registration details, and they will be able to see how much money they can save. They will then have until Monday 31 July 2023 to decide whether to accept the offer or not. There is no obligation to switch. 

“ Walsall Council is committed to helping residents reduce their energy bills and through our Big Community Switch scheme we are helping residents take control of their energy costs through a collective energy switching scheme.

Switching energy suppliers can be a daunting task but taking part in the Big Community Switch makes it easy. Taking part is free and it’s a great opportunity for residents to take control of their energy bills and secure a competitive tariff with a trusted supplier. “

Councillor Adrian Andrew
Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Regeneration at Walsall Council

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