Secondary school admissions now open
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The secondary admissions round for September 2024 is now open for applications.

More detailed information is provided in the Information for Parents Booklet which is available on the Secondary Admissions page of the Walsall Council website along with Supplementary Information Forms to download and print.
In line with the published admission arrangements, parents are required to submit their applications online.
Officers from the Admissions and Education Sufficiency Team will be in regular contact throughout the application period providing schools with lists of those children for whom the Local Authority has yet to receive a secondary school application. This will enable schools and the Team to work together to identify those families that may require support with the application process and ensure that appropriate support is provided.
A timetable showing the key dates for the 2024 secondary transfer process is also enclosed.
The closing date for applications to be submitted is 31 October 2023. However, the Local Authority is advising applicants to complete and submit their applications by 21 October 2023 given that the statutory deadline falls during half term week.
If you require any further advice or support please contact the Admissions and Education Sufficiency Team at and a member of the team will be pleased to assist.
Thank you for your ongoing co-operation and support,