Health and wellbeing
Residents advised to keep warm and well as cold health alert updated
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As colder weather conditions continue, residents are advised to take steps to keep warm and well. The Met Office, in conjunction with the UK Health Security Agency, has extended the amber cold-health alert to Sunday 12 January.

Planning ahead by keeping up to date with the weather forecast, checking food and medicine stocks and taking measures to reduce draughts at home are some steps residents can take to benefit their comfort and wellbeing.
Other proactive measures can help residents stay safe and comfortable during colder months, particularly those more likely to experience the effects of cold weather.
“ With colder weather forecast, your wellbeing is important to us, and it is important to check in on the wellbeing of those more vulnerable to the cold weather. This includes older people, very young children and people with long term conditions, as it can have a serious impact on health.
Maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature is also important. Try and heat your home to at least 18°C, and take other measures to protect yourself such as wearing lots of layers.
Getting the help you need can help you stay well when it is cold. Warm spaces are open and welcoming to anyone across Walsall who need somewhere to meet other people and get support.
There are also services that can support you with advice about your fuel bills and payments, or heating and insulation measures that you may be eligible for.
Keep in touch with others and ask if they need any practical help such as stocking up on food and medicine. If you or someone you know needs medical help, please contact your local pharmacist, GP or if it’s urgent, contact NHS 111. In life threatening situations, dial 999. “
Notes to editor:
- Cold-health alerts published by the UK Health Security Agency are available on GOV.UK dashboard: Cold health alerts | UKHSA data dashboard
- Full details about the Cold Health alert service can be found on the Met Office website. You can register to receive the alerts by completing this form.
- The Adverse Weather and Health Plan aims to protect individuals and communities from the health effects of adverse weather and to build community resilience.
- The NHS has advice on how to keep warm and well during the cold weather.
- Residents who need help keeping their home warm, paying for food, housing and other bills can visit our cost-of-living support portal:
- In partnership with Walsall Council, Walsall Community Network has developed a one point of access where people can find their nearest warm hub by locality. Warm hubs provide an opportunity to meet new people, have a hot drink and meet in a place which is welcoming and warm. Visit Warm Walsall | Walsall Community Network for more information.
- Residents living in Walsall & the West Midlands can get free and impartial advice from Warmer Homes West Midlands on better heating their home and keeping warm. Get support by calling 0808 196 8298 or go to for more information.
- Groundwork’s Green Doctors help UK residents stay warm, stay well, and save money on household bills by offering free and impartial advice. Visit Green Doctor, helping UK residents stay warm, stay well, and save energy. - Groundwork for more information.
This article was updated on 6 January 2025 to reflect the updated cold-health alert.