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Remembrance Day parades and services in Walsall

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Walsall’s traditional Remembrance Day parade and service returns to the town centre on Sunday 13 November 2022 for the first time since the Coronavirus pandemic.

Remembrance day parade in walsall town centre

Across the Borough, parades and services will be taking place on Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday to pay tribute to the men and women of the armed forces.

Walsall’s traditional Remembrance Day parade and service returns to the town centre on Sunday 13 November 2022 and Walsall residents are invited to watch the parade and take part in the service, which will be attended by military veterans and armed forces representatives.

Music will be provided by the Staffordshire Band and the parade will feature representatives from 159 Theatre Support Company, Cheshire Regiment Association, Mercian Volunteers Regimental Association, 196 (Walsall) Squadron Royal Air Force Air Cadets, Walsall Sea Cadets, Queen Mary’s Grammar School Combined Cadet Force and various uniformed youth organisations.

The parade will begin at 10.25am in Hatherton Road and Hatherton Street and it will take a route past the Council House, and down Lichfield Street, Lower Bridge Street, The Bridge and Bradford Street, arriving at the Cenotaph in Bradford Place at 10.35am.

The service commences at 10.40am in the Cenotaph Garden and it will be conducted by the Revd Canon Rob Hall, vicar of St Paul’s and St Luke’s in Walsall. The service will be amplified, and a sign language interpreter will relay the service for the hard of hearing.

The two-minute silence will be observed at 11am.

A bugler from the Staffordshire Band will sound ‘The Last Post’ and the ‘Reveille’, and rifle salutes before and after the silence will be delivered by reservist soldiers from HQ Company 4 Mercian.

Wreaths will then be laid at the Cenotaph, led by Councillor Rose Martin, the Mayor of Walsall, and David Frost CBE, Deputy Lieutenant of the West Midlands.

At the conclusion of the service, the parade will return via the same route to the Council House, where the Mayor of Walsall will take the salute and Mace Bearers and Standard Bearers will flank the saluting base. The Mayor of Walsall will then place a wreath at the John Carless VC Memorial.

The Mayor of Walsall, Councillor Rose Martin, said, “I am delighted to see the return of our Remembrance Day parade and look forward to seeing Walsall residents come together in memory of our fallen heroes. Remembrance Day is an important reminder of those we have lost, and an opportunity for us to pay our respects as a community.”

Further information is available on the Order of Service Programme, which will be available to view on the Council website shortly, along with information about other services and parades taking place in the Borough and any road closures.



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