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Public Notice - Asset of Community Value

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Walsall Council has received notification from the owner of the White Lion Public House, of their intention to sell the property


The public house, which is situated on Sandwell Street, Walsall, is currently nominated as an Asset of Community Value. The organisation who made the nomination or any other Community Interest Group has until Tuesday 23 July 2024 to inform the council in writing that it wishes to submit an expression of interest to bid for this asset.

Once a group has submitted an expression of interest, the council will inform the owner in writing that such group should be seen as a potential bidder.

The Community Interest Group then has the six months full moratorium period starting from the date when the council acknowledged the owner’s notice of disposal to prepare and submit a bid to the owner.


If no expressions of interest are received during the interim moratorium period, the council will notify the owner that they are free to dispose of the asset at any time during the 18 months protection period.

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